Obsahuje inovatívnu kombináciu 100 %
čistého kolagénu Bovin® a vitamínu C
s výnimočne vysokou absorpčnou schopnosťou.
Ponúkame vám 30-dňovú záruku spokojnosti.
Ak nebudete s výrobkom spokojní, môžete nám zásielku poslať späť a my vám vrátime peniaze.
Ponúkame vám 30-dňovú záruku spokojnosti. Ak nebudete s výrobkom spokojní, môžete nám zásielku poslať späť a my vám vrátime peniaze.
Výživový doplnok Royal Collagen je najvyhľadávanejší hydrolyzovaný kolagén na trhu, ktorý bol vytvorený na základe rozsiahleho vedeckého výskumu, množstva skúseností a poznatkov farmaceutických technológov a dermatológov a využíva technológiu popredných svetových spoločností, Royal Pharm a Farmalabor.
Výsledky mnohých medzinárodných štúdií účinkov kolagénu potvrdili, že kolagén sa v ľudskom tele produkuje len v mladom veku a približne v 25 rokoch jeho tvorba začína upadať. Jeho zásoby vyčerpáva stres, alkohol, nikotín, podvýživa a cukor. Výživná strava a dostatočná hydratácia sú veľmi prospešné a môžu významne zlepšiť zdravý vzhľad pokožky.
Pri pravidelnom užívaní kolagénu budete pozorovať tieto zlepšenia:
– Lepšia štruktúra pokožky,
– Menej viditeľných vrások,
– Menej strií a celulitídy,
– Spomaľovanie starnutia,
– Dlhšie a hustejšie vlasy,
– Pevnejšie nechty,
– Odznievanie bolesti kĺbov.
Výživový doplnok Royal Collagen obsahuje výnimočne kvalitné peptidy kolagénu typu I & III, v súvislosti s ktorými viaceré vedecké štúdie potvrdili vysokú účinnosť. Patrí medzi najvýznamnejšie značky kolagénu na svete a spĺňa najprísnejšie medzinárodné normy na kvalitu. Royal Collagen je certifikovaný ministerstvom zdravotníctva pre krajiny GCC a je jediným certifikovaným halal kolagénom.
2× tri tablety denne. Kolagén je výživový doplnok prírodného pôvodu, ktorý sa prirodzene tvorí aj v tele, takže je možné ho užívať aj niekoľko rokov bez akýchkoľvek vedľajších účinkov.
Royal Collagen® obsahuje až 6 000 mg vysokokvalitného hydrolyzovaného kolagénu Bovin® a je obohatený o optimálny pomer koncentrátov aminokyselín a vitamínu C, ktoré sú základnými stavebnými prvkami pre vznik kolagénu.
Obsahuje vysokokvalitné peptidy kolagénu typu I & III, ktoré umožňujú extrému výťažnosť a účinné pôsobenie v cieľových tkanivách: pokožke, vlasoch, nechtoch, kĺboch a kostiach, kde stimulujú tvorbu nových kolagénových vlákien.
Výživový doplnok Royal Collagen® je výborným riešením pre váš organizmus, aby získal späť to, čo stratil v dôsledku starnutia a vplyvov okolia.
2× tri tablety denne. Kolagén je výživový doplnok prírodného pôvodu, ktorý sa prirodzene tvorí aj v tele, takže je možné ho užívať aj niekoľko rokov bez akýchkoľvek vedľajších účinkov.
Výživový doplnok Royal Collagen obsahuje inovatívnu kombináciu 100 % čistého kolagénu Bovin® a vitamínu C s výnimočne vysokou absorpčnou schopnosťou. Neobsahuje žiadne ďalšie prídavné látky, pretože vďaka jedinečnému zloženiu tohto produktu nie sú vôbec potrebné. Všetky zložky produktu sú prírodné a organické. Neobsahuje umelé sladidlá ani konzervačné látky. Zloženie v súlade s INCI: Hydrolyzovaný kolagén Bovin, vitamín C.
Viac ako 365.000 zákazníkov v 28 krajinách
Ponúkame vám 30-dňovú záruku spokojnosti na všetky produkty spoločnosti Mediteranea. Ak nie ste spokojní, môžete nám zásielku poslať späť a my vám vrátime peniaze.
Za výrobok platíte pri dodaní, preto nič neriskujete. Zaplatiť službou PayPal alebo Vašou kreditnou kartou, zaručujeme Vám úplnú bezpečnosť Vašej platby a Vašich osobných údajov.
Výrobok bude dodaný na Vašu domácu adresu zasielateľskou službou TNT do 5 pracovných dní. Doprava Zdarma!
Akékoľvek ďalšie informácie získate, ak nás kontaktujete: 0902 378 564 | info@kenkai.us
Mediteranea LLC is a pioneer in the field of dietary supplements – superfoods and vitamin products. We are a future-oriented American and International Skin Care company that is always close to the people through its subsidiaries.
Health is our greatest wealth. We as well as more and more people are aware of this fact and pursue a healthy life style, such as good nutrition, a sufficient intake of fluids, minimum stress, and – most of all – lots of exercise. But it is hard to implement those habits because of our rapid lifestyles, therefore we at Mediteranea are doing our best to make health and a better quality of life available to everyone.
For this purpose, we develop, produce and market effective, safe and high-quality dietary supplements through global innovations intended for the reduction of body weight, melting fat, and maintaining a slim figure.
All Mediteranea products contain scientifically proven ingredients from worldwide best origins. The products are made in accordance with strict GMP standards in certified FDA laboratories. We share a common vision with our buyers and users as we are actively involved in eliminating the consequences of an unhealthy lifestyle.
Our main values are:
focus on customers and their needs,
satisfaction and trust of our users,
uniqueness and sustainable effectiveness of our products,
social responsibility and mutual respect.
We wish to contribute to maintaining and improving a healthy lifestyle with our products in a simple and quick way. BodyLight and Royal Collagen is our flagship product, which has already helped 3.5 million women all over the world.
Thank you for your trust!
Mediteranea Ltd (hereinafter: the „Provider“) manages the online store. The General Terms and Conditions are binding at the moment of entering this online store. Please read carefully the full contents of the General Terms and Conditions. The general terms and conditions are drawn up in accordance with the Consumer Protection Act, based on the recommendations of the international codes for e-commerce. The sale and delivery of goods is possible throughout the European Union.
The provider shall always strive to disclose or access information to the buyer/visitor: contact information that enables the user to communicate quickly and effectively (email, phone number), important information about the ingredients of the cosmetic product (including after-sale services and guarantees), availability of items (each item offered on the website should be accessible within a reasonable time), the terms of delivery of the product or the execution of the service (type, place and time of delivery), all prices shall be clearly and unambiguously specified and should be seen if they already include taxes and postage costs, payment and delivery methods, the validity of the offer, the deadline for withdrawal from the contract and the conditions for withdrawal; in addition, if and how much it costs the customer to return the product, a notification of the complaint process, a complaint, including access to all contact person information or all customer service contact information.
Online ordering takes place 24/7, 365. The buyer can place an order via a virtual shopping cart. Upon entering and ordering an item in the online store, the visitor does not need to register, making the user experience more enjoyable. It takes only one step to complete the order. When the item is selected and added to the shopping cart, the user enters only the basic information (name, surname, delivery address, postal code and mail, telephone number and e-mail address). This makes it easier for the buyer/visitor to make the purchase, and the provider ensures that the information is fully protected. Upon order, the buyer receives an email purchase agreement at his e-mail address. The provider reserves the right to refuse the contract if he/she finds that it cannot execute it under the above conditions and with the information provided.
The delivery of the products of Mediteranea Limited are handled by GLS or any other courier delivery service. The parcel is delivered within 3-5 working days. In the framework of cooperation, the provider enables the possibility that the buyer does not pay the goods in advance. Only after the parcel is delivered by the courier company GLS, does the user pay for the item upon receipt, (in cash). Delivery costs are free of charge.
Because the Mediteranea Skin Care brand is so confident in the quality of its products, it offers all customers a full 30-day satisfaction guarantee.
This means that any Mediteranea Skin Care product can be returned within 30 days of receipt of the parcel if you are not satisfied with it for any reason. After receiving the returned product, you will be refunded within 7 business days.
If you have been dissatisfied with any of the products and 30 days have not passed since you received the parcel, please send us an email at info@kenkai.us We will provide you with detailed instructions regarding the return of the product.
In accordance with the Value Added Tax (VAT) law for the country where the company is registered, we are not liable for VAT. The prices thus not include value-added tax (VAT). The purchase contract between the provider and the buyer is concluded at the moment when the provider confirms the order (the buyer receives an email with the status ‚Order confirmed‘). From now on, all prices and other terms are final and apply to both the provider and the buyer.
As part of promotional campaigns, it is possible for the provider to send a promotional code to the buyer/visitor. The validity and purpose of the promotional code shall be clearly stated by the provider. In case of ambiguity regarding the use of the promotional code, the buyer / visitor may send an e-mail with the question to: info@kenkai.us. Only one discount per purchase. Only one discount code can be redeemed for one purchase.
Cancellation: Immediately after the order has been placed
The buyer should inform the provider in writing of the cancellation of the order immediately after the order has been placed. Email the buyer to info@kenkai.us and attach the no. of the order.
Cancellation: After receiving the parcel
The buyer has 30 days to return the item. The buyer shall pay the cost of returning the item. In case the provider sends the wrong item to the user, the provider shall pay the return shipping costs. Returns are made by sending a return notification to the customer at info@kenka.us Customer support shall send the buyer a return address and other necessary information. Payments shall be refunded as soon as possible and no later than 14 days after receipt of the shipment. In order to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of the return, and to provide a record of payments, the refund shall be made to the buyer solely by transferring to his current account. It is not possible to refund cash and the provider does not accept the returned parcels with payment after delivery.
A defect is material when: the item does not have the features necessary for its normal use or for the market, the item does not have the features necessary for the specific use for which the buyer is buying it, which was known or should be known to the seller, the item does not have the features and qualities that were explicitly or tacitly agreed upon or prescribed, the seller delivered the item that did not match the pattern or model, unless the pattern or model was shown for information only. The suitability of the item is checked by another, flawless item of the same type, as well as by the manufacturer’s statement or statement on the item itself. The buyer shall inform the provider of any material defect, together with a precise description of it, at his/her own expense, within the legally stipulated period, and at the same time enabling him/her to inspect the item. The right to claim a material error on the item is more closely regulated by the provisions of the Consumer Protection Act. The buyer can notify the provider by email at info@kenkai.us.
Promotional messages shall be clearly and unambiguously marked, the sender shall be clearly named, and various campaigns, promotions and other marketing techniques shall be marked as such. The conditions for participation shall also be clearly defined, the method of unsubscribing from receiving advertisement messages shall be clearly presented, a wish of the user not to receive advertisement messages shall be explicitly respected by the provider.
This online store, the data, product images, graphics and video elements on the website are protected by copyright law and shall not be used without the prior written consent of Mediteranea Limited
The provider shall use personal information solely for the purpose of meeting order, informing on news and promotions and for administrative services. In no way shall the information be handed over to unauthorized persons and shall be entirely owned by the provider. For additional data security, the provider provides an SSL certificate that is installed on the server.
The use of the online store is at the sole responsibility of the user. The provider does not guarantee the proper and smooth functioning of the web content or their individual components. Moreover, he/she does not guarantee that the online store, servers or emails are free of viruses or other harmful elements. The provider cannot, in this sense, take responsibility for any damage that may result from or due to the use of the website and the store. As a rule, the online store is open 24 hours a day and all days of the year. Provider reserves the right to short termination of access to the Website and the Store for various technical or different reasons.
The provider endeavors to comply with applicable consumer protection legislation. In the event of a complaint or dispute resolved, the provider shall always assign a responsible person to handle the complaint / dispute. The buyer shall contact info@kenkai.us in case of any complaint. The procedure for handling complaints and disputes is confidential. The provider undertakes to send a notice of receipt to the buyer within 7 working days and inform the buyer of the course of the procedure. The provider shall always endeavor to resolve any disputes and continue to cooperate with the buyer.
In accordance with statutory norms, the provider does not recognize any out-of-court consumer dispute resolution provider as competent to settle a consumer dispute that could be initiated by the consumer in accordance with applicable law. As a provider of goods, the provider publishes an electronic link to the Online Consumer Dispute Resolution Platform on its website. The platform is available to consumers here: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/odr/main/index.cfm?event=main.home.show&lng=EN The above regulation is derived from Regulation (EU) no. 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the online settlement of consumer disputes and amending Regulation (EC) No. 2016/2004 and Directive 2009/22 / EC.
Mediteranea Limited
WC1N 3XX London
Účinky po použití produktu sa môžu líšiť u každého používateľa a môžu sa odlišovať od účinkov popísaných na webovej stránke. Naše produkty nie sú určené na prevenciu alebo liečbu akékokoľvek ochorenia alebo vážnej choroby
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